1.    Month to Month

·      $75/hour ($3,600 for the year)


Price: $300/ month for 4 lessons per month



2.    Semester Payment

·      $65/hour  ($3,120 for the year)


Included with the price of semester lessons:

·       Monthly Master Class (With Leo Kim or special guest artists): Normal Price: $360

·       No additional charge for instrument repairs: Normal Price $100 + value

·       25% off for Cello Camp in July: Normal Price $500

·       25% off for Chamber Music Classes for the Semester: Normal Price $600


Early Bird Price:$1,560 $1,460 for 24 lessons, due Dec 18th

Prices will go back up to $1,560 after Dec 18th

Chamber music classes can be paid for separately or together with the early bird payments




3.    Year Payment

·      $55/hour  (2,640 for the year)


As a special thank you for paying for the year we will include for FREE:


·       Monthly Master Class (With Leo or special guest artists): $360

·       No additional charge for instrument repairs: $100 + value

·       50% off for Cello Camp in July: Normal Price: $500

·       50 % Chamber Music classes for the Year: Normal Price: $1,200


Plus You’ll get:

·       3 Masterclasses with Special artists like Diana Wuli: $250+ included

·       Private lessons with visiting artists: $150+ included


Early Bird Price: $2,640 $2,540 for 48 lessons, due Dec 18th

Prices will go back up to $2,640 after Dec 18th

Chamber music classes can be paid for separately or together with the early bird payments
